Saturday, March 5, 2011

Submit your beautiful maps!

The U.S. National Committee of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) invites you to submit your current publications of maps, atlases, and other cartographic products to the Cartographic Exhibition at the 2011 International Cartographic Conference in France. The 25th International Cartographic Conference will convene in Paris the week of 3-8 July 2011.

The ICC Cartographic Exhibition is the premier international forum for displaying maps, atlases, and other cartographic products. It provides an excellent opportunity to feature the superior quality and diverse range of American cartography. Awards will be given by an international panel of judges to products exemplifying excellence in cartography. We encourage you to contribute to this exhibit.

Entry Forms must be submitted no later than March 15 to reserve space for your entry. A separate entry form should be submitted for each item. The information on these forms will be included in a printed catalog of exhibit items for conference participants.

What to enter:
U.S. Map Exhibit items must be received by April 15th, 2011.

Please provide:
two copies of any maps or panel displays
one copy of any table display (atlases, globes, etc.) or digital products

After completing the online Entry Form, send exhibit items to the U.S. Map Exhibit coordinator at this address by April 15, 2011:

Tanya Buckingham
Assistant Director
Cartography Laboratory
University of Wisconsin-Madison 
Science Hall, M390
550 N. Park Street
Madison, WI 53706


phone: 608-262-1363

Digital maps:
Digital map entries may be submitted on a CD/DVD (or via digital file transfer) to the U.S. Map Exhibit coordinator. Each CD or DVD must be labeled with the map titles, and simple, explicit directions on how to view the map. Send CDs or DVDs to the address above.

Entry restrictions:
Although we are encouraging all entries, space allotted to the United States portion of the Map Exhibition in the Paris meeting is restricted. Therefore, please limit your choices to your most outstanding products. Any item produced after January 2009 that was not exhibited at a previous ICA conference is eligible for the exhibition. All items selected for display will be donated to university libraries in Paris following the conference.